How to stitch a text block

    It might sound like a hard task, but it really is simpler than it looks. On the plus side this whole process doesn't take very long and is quite relaxing with a added bonus of being productive. Here I am using recycled paper to create a stitched text block, but you can really use any paper of your choosing. The reason the sheets are folded this way is because I was making a photo album.

    First thing to do, after you have your folded sheets stacked up in what looks like a text block, is to mark some lines across all the sheets where the sewing will go. Later, when you'll begin sewing, the lines will help you to align the pattern. It helps to puncture the holes at the marked spots beforehand.

    1. Make a knot at the end of the string, take the first sheet and start sewing in the way shown in the picture above. For the first sheet you'll need to go to the end and come back through the same holes, but in the opposite direction.

    2. Now you should have something that looks like picture numbered ''1''. Here you need to make another knot and pull it through the hole so that both knots are on the same side. This last/first loop will therefore be a little loose - that's okay.

    3. Take the second sheet and pull the string through the first hole, go out through the next hole, loop around the strings on the previous sheet as seen in the picture numbered ''3'', go back in the same hole and out through the next.

    4. And once you get to the last hole, loop around the string on the previous sheet, add another sheet and continue the same as before, but in the opposite direction. 

    5. What happens if you do not have enough string? Well, one advice would be not to tie the new string to the old one - the knot will get stuck and leave your sewing loose. Better option is to tie the old string somewhere at the middle of the back (as shown in the picture above), tie the knew string near it and continue sewing as if nothing happened.

    6. And as you get to the very end of the last sheet, just tie it of somewhere in the middle and you are done.
    For the text block to be sturdy enough or usable, you will need to glue the back and maybe even reinforce it with some fabric, and while drying press the text block down with some weight. This is so that the gaps visible after sewing are not seen and the text block becomes sturdier. 


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